What was it like developing such an intricate system?ĪY: It started as something quite simple and breathed organically because we released a lot of patches and small adjustments into it gradually.
Players don’t just click a button to swing their weapon they actually have to direct their defensive blocks and control the velocity of their attacks. GP: The combat system is quite intricate in Mount & Blade.
People didn’t like that so we added an option to change it based on preference. In Warbands, we changed it so you have to press a button to lower the lance when riding. People were suggesting we changed the way the lance combat worked where the lance lowers automatically when you are riding your stead at full force. Mikail (MY): There was a recent one where we had the couched lance. What is the best suggestion Taleworlds took on board for Mount & Blade: Warband?ĪY: That’s a good question. GP: You said some of Mount & Blade’s development derived from player suggestions.