Get out into the yard and rush forward to the rocket box. Once the rebels get past her, they’re home free.Ģ more guards spawn in the window in Alyx’s sight. Gun down the 4 soldiers while they try to take a position on the catwalk. Watch for 2 more soldiers moving in from the far right.
Try to take them out with the pulse rifle or the revolver at a distance. Take cover and kill the 4 Combine that are rappelling down the wall. Go over to Barney to pick up 2 rebels for the next run. Search for them to make sure that the path is clear. Try to catch them to switch the alignment. 3 scanners should drop hoppers in the yard. Go across the floor and kill the next 2 manhacks waiting for you. Move forward a bit until 2 manhacks swing into the room. She’ll cover this side of the train station. When you walk out, Alyx should take up a position by the machine gun. You do get a revolver and a fair bit of ammo though, so we can’t complain too much. Once you get the first group over, the attack will begin and they’ll make the genius observation that they should have had them all go at once. We need to be able to get new supplies quickly and heal on the go. Go slowly and take note of all the locations. Once we get through this office area, the refugees will take cover by the trains. There’s another dispenser here and a machine gun position by the exit. You need to go down the ramps and around the trains.